Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Canine Before and After

This is a photo of our dog, Durango. He is fluffy, white, and absolutely adorable. He is a Maltese. His hair grows like humans, so occasionally he needs a hair cut. We usually get him trimmed in a puppy cut, which is shorter than in this photo, but still fluffy and cute.

This is Durango, the hairless wonder.
The Dalmation wanna be.
The straight haired poodle.
Okay. It'll grow so I know I shouldn't be too shocked, but he looks so funny and well, weird. Where did my doggy go?
I am most sad because I miss his cute little mustache, beard and side burns.

He looks anorexic. Poor thing. He is just happy to get to wear clothes like the rest of the fam.

Okay, his ears still perk up when he sees us, so I guess we will make it through these tough times. sniff!


  1. that looks sad poor dog. well at least it will grow back and keep him cool this summer. And clothes are a hit for animals now so that is good.

  2. Ok am I weird because I think that looks cute actually? I love his little ears hanging down! It is still sweet Durango!

  3. I think he looks cute also. He looks just like Prince after we've given him a bath.
    So, what's the story behind his new "hairdo"?
    Has he been playing with Tony's cinnamon gum again? (BES)

  4. I think Durango is cute also. He looks sooo much like Prince after we've given him a bath.
    So, what's the story about his ne "hairdo"?
    Has he been stealing Tony's gum again? (BES)
